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Welcome to
Zera Academy

In Zera, we believe each and every child has the potential to become something big. Over time, our school has continually opened its doors to students from various backgrounds by providing holistic education from primary to secondary levels that nurtures graduates into confident, committed, and competent lifelong learners. We equip students with academic knowledge but on top of that, we also ensure that student’s moral character traits are well-developed.
"Our Vision is to Nurture Students' Character and Inspire Them To Be Leaders of The World."

Our Mission.

Provide top-quality education, educators, and systems for students to achieve their maximum potential

Build a sense of understanding and compassion for others. To cultivate mutual cooperation and respect in achieving our goals.

Inspire and develop courageous leaders who think independently, work collaboratively, learn joyfully, and champion change.

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Message From Our Principal.

Ms. Helena Lee

Our primary aim is to provide a holistic education from preschool to primary and secondary levels that nurtures graduates into confident, committed, and competent lifelong learners. It is a crucial stage for these students as education and experiences at such an age will define who they will be in the future.

We emphasize building Godly character traits and individualized learning in molding them into the best version of themselves For the past years, we always believed in building lives for the future, reaching one child at a time. Not only looking into their academic needs but also the welfare of the students.

As principal of Zera Resource Centre, that is my heart and vision for each child here. Training them in the way they should go, even when they grow old it will not depart from them. And with a sincere heart, I hope to see that you will be part of this wondrous family.

Thank you.


At Zera, we create the right environment for students to be innovative and progressive. Furthermore, we also groom them to plan ahead and work independently. We do this to allow students to learn more about being respectful and compassionate. Here, the entire system revolves around trust and discipline! We also have repeated awards for the Quality School Status by the School of Tomorrow Asia since 2013 under the CA Christian Resource Training Centre.

Extracurricular Activities.

Extracurricular Activities (ECA) can build a student in a way the classroom cannot. These activities offer opportunities for students to learn the values of teamwork, individual and group responsibility, physical strength and endurance, competition, diversity, and a sense of culture and community. Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, allowing students to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a well-rounded education.


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